AED Stat Pads 2-Zoll brings lots of flexibility to aed defibrillator pads which connect to Zoll® AED Plus, AED Pro, R Series, M Series, E Series and X Series. The pads are designed for Zoll defibrillator and available to infant, child and adult.
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AED Stat Pads 2-Zoll brings lots of flexibility to aed defibrillator pads which connect to Zoll® AED Plus, AED Pro, R Series, M Series, E Series and X Series. The pads are designed for Zoll defibrillator and available to infant, child and adult. They are specially designed for use with the Zoll AED Plus defibrillator or Zoll AED Pro defibrillator. Zoll Stat Padz II Replacement Electrode Padz multi-function electrodes with HVP polymer gel and Zoll guarantees a shelf life of at least 18 months or longer.
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